
SOS Birthday Wishes

Thank you all for the birthday wishes, it's very kind of you to take the time to send them.

I am back to the office on Monday and can start working on my list of jobs to do, for the last two weeks I have been very much at home doing nothing. But having everyone at home, three meals a day and visitors coming and going, nothing really means " stuck in the kitchen".

What do I have to share with you today. Well it's usually a pinterest share on a Sunday. I have already covered most of my favourite finds. But today I have reverted back to Sugar Nellie stamps. I found this card and it's perfect for me this weekend.

Designed and made by Debby

In one of Debby's post she talks about the shading on some digital images. These style of images were a trial by us to see if we could make colouring easier for those who were not so experienced with their pens. Good colouring skills take hours of practice and of some of us, me included, it's not something I have mastered.
With the under lying shading, we wanted to give more depth with maybe only one swipe of colour.
This we found out does not transfer to rubber and sadly, those stamps were never again made in rubber simply because there is only black and white in a rubber stamped image, where as in digital there is grey scale.
Judging by the success of Adorable images, I think these work just as we intended them too.  I see many cards made with these but I understand that if you have mastered your pens, you can shade perfectly well without grey scale.
Something for everyone.

Debby certainly can colour and her many Sugar Nellie cards are beautiful.

Want to see more lovely cards
Here is a link you need to have a peek at


A big shout out to our friends down under, thank you girls for leaving me a comment and link to your blog, I will have a surf about when I get to work next week and I am defiantly looking for one of you to join in the fun here at Sugar Nellie.

Marianne, your disappointed at the lack of rubber is noted. I might just have some thing hiding in the House Of Sugar that may satisfy your sweet tooth. *wink*

That's All for me, better get back in that kitchen and cook the Sunday roast!
Take care

1 comment:

  1. Ooh how lovely, look forward to seeing what rubber is hiding. Gorgeous card from Debby, a fabulous crafter and one of my blogging buddies. Enjoy your Sunday x


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