
Digi stamps on Etsy

What a beautiful morning here in Scotland. Blue skies and sunshine, perfect for little lambs to skip amoungst the green grass of spring.

Today I am sharing with you our small selection of digital stamps over on Etsy.
 I have dipped my toe in the waters over there in order to find out if it will work for us in spreading the word to crafters. 
I have only loaded a few stamps, I can add everything if I choose but let's see how this works. The plan is that a crafter may come across the brand and search deeper to find more. 
I choose digital because of the ease to deliver to the customer. I don't have anything to do, it's all automatic.
Prices are lower on some stamps. I need to maintain their worth as professional licences but have the flexibility of lower overheads on etsy.

It's something we can build on. Our business is going through changes this year, re structuring, pruning and diversifying into new fields. At the end of the day I am looking to achieve something that works within my abilities, gives me pleasure and pays it's way. 
Not much demands there but when retail is battleing against changing shopping habits*, it's one fight many retailers are struggling with.

So back to etsy.

I buy lots of hand made goodies from this site, it's my " go to" when I want something original. I live quiet rural and to have so much things, world wide, available at the touch of a button is great. ( *one changing shopping habit).

I have had some fantastic finds and am very comfortable browsing around and buying via paypal. So that is why I choose etsy.
Sugar Nellie Loves can sell all sort of everything , but for now I will settle for digital stamps and promise to load some unseen art for you next week.

I do appreciate your support, those who take the time to like, pin or share what we do. It's all about spreading the word. 

Link to etsy on the side bar.

Come on over, it's small but sweet.

Hope the sun is shining on you all today.


  1. Great idea and much more affordable prices.
    Went to buy a digi but cannot pay with Paypal so had to cancel order. Will you be adding this payment method ?

  2. Ooh sounds interesting, will hop over and take a look. Anything that gets Sugar out there for crafters is good.


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