

Let's get right on to it shall we ?I am delighted with those who took the time to enter our wee competition. Those Furry Friends made delightful additions to your cards. In fact I had a hard choice choosing guest designers because I loved them all.
But first, I left random. Org decide on who wins the Kit & Clowder colouring class. That as the easiest way forward and the fairest way for all of you.

True Random Number Generator  8Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Don't know why I can't get it to copy in its box but here is our results.
Congratulations number 8 , come on down!
If your rushing over to see who number eight was, do come back and read the rest of this post.....

OK now on to Guest designers .
This was a hard choice for me. But I made my life as simple as it can be, if there is a short cut I will take it!
I choose you all!Yes that's right, each person who entered has a spot as a guest on the Sugar Nellie Design Team.I'll even throw in a badge for your blog, some freebie images to work from which will be images from Sugar Nellie in digital form. And as a cherry on the top a Funkykits store discount.Email me at, subject Guest Designer.
I think that's enough sweetness for me today, I hope I have made someone happy.😀Take care everyone and stay safe.Karen


  1. Woo hoo, it's me, I can't believe it and you've made me cry lol! And icing on the cake a sweetie too! Ha ha, what a night. Oooo, not being greedy am I! Always wanted to be up there! I've been practising on and off all day, better get the hang o this flicking technique! Thanks again from the bottom of my happy heart lol. Xx

  2. woo hoo...well done everybody!!


  3. Wow huge congrats to the lucky winner and thanks foe the chance to be a guest designer x

  4. Oh that's brilliant, well done, everyone! x

  5. Yes! Congrats to all the guest designers and we'll done to the winner of the class! X

  6. Congrats to all you girlies. Hugs, Wends x

  7. BIG congrats to everyone who took part!
    I am sorry I was not able to join in this time, the school holidays is always so busy for me but I loved seeing all the wonderful entries.
    Sue xx

  8. how fun!!!! and congrats to the lucky winner!!

  9. Congratulations everyone, so well deserved xxx

  10. Congratulations all round, I think we are all winners to each get a guest spot.
    Thanks Karen !

  11. How exciting...sent my email...doing the happy dance...


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