
shaking the sugar about

I would like to send some candy to Deb, who's blog I can across on my travels this week. I love all the cards and the way she puts her cards together, fantastic.

{It was also pointed out to me this week that our candy has no "additives", there are no conditions to receiving Sugar Nellie candy, we don't ask you to have a link banner on your blog, we don't ask you to bring traffic to our blog, we don't ask that you pimp us at every turn.
No No No. We do not use you as a marketing tool. We simple give out the candy to anyone who cares to visit and leave a comment when there is a draw or if we find you on our travels in blog land and like what we see.}

So tell Deb that she was spotted and her work admired so much that there is candy waiting for her at the sugar warehouse, just email with your addy Deb so that something sweet comes your way. Congratulations you are a great cardmaker and inspiration to others.
And this is what brought me to your blog

We have had so much rain here in Scotland that my feet are now webbed, and together with the idea of saving a few coins for those little Swedish beauties , made me think "what a lovely idea", nothing to do with the theme for one of the H & S stamps ;)
Maggie is one of our favourite characters and yours, blue and green, fantastic colour combo.
I LOVE IT. Thank you Deb.
Wish lists, I wish you all had one on your blog, that way friends and visitors could see what it is that you would like next on your craft shopping list, with so many of us watching what we spend, it would be far easier for our friends see what we would like as a gift if we had a Wish List.
I for one like to give random gift no matter what size when not expected, it's far more of a surprise and can come totally out of the blue and is so much more appreciated. I cant tell you how good it makes me feel to receive a hand made Sugar Nellie creation in the post amongst all the boring stuff that the post man brings, I would like you to get that "feel good" buzz.
So go take a minuet to add a WISH LIST to your side bar of your blog and maybe, just maybe you might get a surprise :)


  1. Aren't you just the sweetest dear. Well I have my wish list on my blog lol, you are always doing things for us dear even when you are so busy. We do appreciate you so very much dear and all the wonderful stamps you bring us.

  2. OOo that's so lovely the creations you've made Deb!! and I have to make one more card and then you can look forward to al my cards in your mailbox again tracy!

  3. Such a cute idea! Having looked at her blog, Deb does some lovely work.

    Hurry up and give us a peek at the H&S designs! ;)

  4. Debs work is always an inspiration her attention to detail is fab. Now a wishlist is a great idea now DH will now what I want!

  5. Well done Debs this is fantatsic, and I agree all your cards are beautiful, what a great idea a wish list is off to make one.

  6. Wow, thank you so much for featuring my jar and for your very kind words! I can't believe it! You have made me day!!!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  7. YEY Deb - congratulations babes and well deserved :) Wish list eh? There isn't a blog in the world big enough to hold mine! Lol Lynn x

  8. Wow Deb its so fabulous ,
    what ever she makes is magical , one very talented and lovely lady ,
    with out your gorgeous stamps we could not make these lovely things ,thank you for all the hard work you put in well do love them xxx

  9. Wow. She's so talented. I love the idea of having savings for the raining day. Specially for the HS :)
    Thank you for sharing her blog.

  10. Hi,what a lovely jar created by the very talented Deb,and so deserving of some sugar candy,well done Deb and keep up the good work,you inspire so many of us who visit your blog...
    Sandra x

  11. What a fab idea, I agree Deb has some fantastic creations,I'm definately going to add a wish list that's a great idea, looking forward to the new stamps
    lv Gill x

  12. ive spent all day looking around various blogs after discovering them online this morning. how do i get one!?

    and what is blog candy? :)

    you guys are a huge inspiration!

  13. You do beautiful creations Deb, I can see why your blog was picked :)
    I could certainly do with a "saving for a rainy day" Pot. trouble is it takes me that long to save for anything that the pot would be constantly emptied lol.:)

    I would also like to take this opportunity to say thankyou to all the sugar nellie team, you have such wonderful designs :)
    **Hugs** Heather x

  14. This is so nice of you. You are really sweet with all your sugar fans. I have my Wish list in my blog too. LOL :)
    I love how you are always thinking in how you can make our day more brighter! THANK YOU!

  15. ooo i want one of these jars!!! lol

  16. I love this jar and the idea of saving money for all those stamps on my new wish list :) Splashing Maggie is great - Deb has done a beautiful job!

  17. wow what a fab creation and really it makes sense to save for all the goodies you can buy, (note to one self go and make a tin LOL!)
    and what a good idea about the wish list im off to make mine now then DH has no excuse for a dud gift ever again.

  18. This is such a fab idea! Thanks for the suggestion. I have started a wish list on my blog. I gave a few RAK's to blogging friends recently and if they had had a wish list on their blog it would have made it so much easier.
    I did however give one of my friends one of your sarah kay stamps and she was over the moon with it as she doesn't have any of these!
    Looking forward to the H & S Stamps beng released (they are most definately on my wish list)!
    Hugs, Vicky x

  19. Congrats Deb!!!! I agree with you, her work is FABULOUS!!!! She is an amazing cardmaker and designer.....
    This blog is really cool, I never knew about it until today, so I will definately be back!

  20. How "sweet" of you to share the love and a few surprise items in the post. I think that is a terrific idea, and although I don't have any Sugar Nellie stamps of my own, I have received some adorable images today from your featured stamper Deb (my SBS4 sister) so hopefully now I can play along, too!! :) Kelly L


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