
Warm and fuzzy

Warm and fuzzy is a good way to express how I feel when one lovely lady refers to me as "dear", I often come across comments from her all over the blog world, she takes the time to say nice things to people all the time.

She calls everyone dear ,and it makes me feel very young, she is a mother and a grandmother and such a lovely lady.

Donalda, I grant you three wishes :) .............. that makes me feel like a fairy godmother!

When I suggested the wish list I did not mean only Sugar Nellie stamps, anything and everything crafty should be on your wish list, you have no idea who is looking.
And especially our creative designers, you both need that wish list as you have so many things we don't know what you would like as a surprise. ;)


  1. Oh that is so sweet of you dear. I am glad that makes you feel young.
    You are just so appreciated dear for always being so good to us and bringing us such gorgeous stamps.

  2. Oh wow thats so fabulous xxxx
    what a lovely lady xxxxxDawnxxx

  3. I have to agree - Donalda is one of the nicest ladies I have had the good fortune to meet through cardmaking and blogging.
    hugs Bev x

  4. I am proud to call Donalda a blogging and forum friend and you are right - she is a wonderful and caring person. Plus she's very talented too! Lol Lynn x

  5. Donaldas blog is great. Wishlist coming true DH bought me Cricut storybook cartridge this morning thanks for the suggestion its working already!!!! How far apart are the contractions getting for our little Hanglar darlings???

  6. I don't know Donalda, but I know her work and it's fantastic!
    I love her blog. Congratulations for you sugar candy. :)

  7. awww i bet shes chuffed to bits!
    She sounds really nice aswell!

  8. Oh ladies! thank you so much for all the lovely comments. That makes me feel so good. Sometimes I get so discouraged that my work isn't good but you all have made me feel so good. You all are sweethearts and I am so fortunate to have you all as my blogging friends.

  9. Wow that's so lovely of you. I'm off to visit Donalda.. you make her seem so lovely and talented. It's good to know there are very wonderful people around the world, even the sugar nellie's people :)

    As I once said in a forum.. I beleive that all crafters are wonderful at heart.. a person who can bring out the lovliest of a creation from some paper and stash, is surely MORE capable to bring out the best in every person's heart.

    Blessings xxx


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