Day seven

On the seventh day of Christmas
Sugar Nellie gave to me

a Duda Dayz gift for under the tree.

A selection of sweet sugar nellie stamps designed by Diane Duda.
Whimsical designs to put a smile on your face, don't you just love how cute her art work is.

Computer has been playing nice today, I hope that at least one of the virus programs will keep the walls up and the besties out.

My name is Wynneth said...
Day 7 already! the days are really flying by now :o) With a number of christmas cards still to make, I am so happy that I have a selection of delightful SN stamps to choose from for my designs :o)hugswynneth

Congratulations you know the drill :)


Eijgenraam Orchideeen said...

Diana Duda stamps under my tree will put a smile on my face for sure! Thanks for the chance to win.


jenny said...

Love the Diane Duda designs!! Thanks for the chance to win :)
Glad your computer is up and running again!

Jenny x

Hilde said...

Thanks again for another chance to win some sweet candy! I would love
to have more stamps from Diane Duda.

Kathi said...

I am on my way to bed now, will dream about Edward Cullen or better some of your stamps. At least the chance to have them under the Christmas-tree is much bigger *haha* ;-)
XX Kathi

Unknown said...

love all your stamps but these are cute. Christine x

Cazzy said...

I love Diane Duda, thought I might have all the stamps already!

Cazzy x

Jessica said...

I love diane duda's stamps! Thanks for the chance to win some!!

NGCARDS said...

OOooooh lucky us on day 7!

Glad to hear your computer is behaving itself more!

Tasha said...

I think Diane Dud stamps are my fave SN stamps they are wonderful and really versatile and so arty!
love tasha xx

Lena Katrine said...

Woohoo! More candy :):) Me like ;)

Brodders said...

Diana Duda is the best :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes Edward please:) Thanks for the chance to win such lovely prizes:)

Kim. said...

Another great candy you keep pulling them out of the bag but hey and kind of Duda candy sounds great to me. Thanks again for the chance.
Kim xXx

Wilma said...

I would go for a Duda Dayz gift any day - think i must be getting too old for the likes of EC!!!..and keep those beasties at bay Karen:) xx

Unknown said...

Ohhh...fab candy. Glad the computer is playing nice today, and fingers crossed it continues.

Unknown said...

ooooohhhh sounds really exciting please count me in xx

Eulanda said...

This is so much fun!! I can't even imagine how you can be giving away so much sugar but it's greatly appreciated by many I'm sure! Another chance to win! Yay!! Thanks very much!

Mary said...

Glad to hear that your computer is playing nice today. Hope all continues to go well. Thanks for the chance to win some yummy goodies!


Mary Lou said...

Hi Karen~~ thanks for chance at Duda Sweet Sugar Nellie Stamps!!
You sure know how to make a person smile :-)
Mary Lou

craftyrufus said...

Day 7 that means it's getting closer to christmas. Help!!!


Another chance to win some gorgeous stamps,
Hugs Dianne xx

Diamond Doll said...

Hiya Karen,what fab candy in the advent calendar today i,d love to give Diane Duda,s fab stamps a loving home.Thanx for the chance.
Trish (-:

Mina said...

could I go for Jude Law under mine please lol
Mina xxx

melissa75 said...

Thanks for the chance to win these!

Karen said...

Oh I love these Duda Daze stamps. Glad to hear your computer is working better. I only wish I knew what all this Twilight stuff is about - I have no idea!!!
Karen x

Amanda said...

Love her adorable images! Thank you for the chance to win some! :)

Carisa said...

Too funny!! Here's hoping I win today!!!!

Unknown said...

No Edward Cullen huh? Oh well, Sugar Nellie is just as good and definitely sweet :) Hope the puter continues to play nice!

Lynda Nielsen said...

Oh noooo, no Edward under my tree? I guess I'll have to settle for George Clooney... LOL

Wendalyn said...

What great Christmas Candy Diana images are fabulous.. Have a great day.

Jodi said...

Thanks again for yet another chance to win ~ still trying ;)

Random Acts of Krafting said...

Mrs. Duda makes wonderful stamps, I should be so lucky to win.

liza said...

thankyou yet again for the chance of winning some fab advent candy
love n hugs

Tammi said...

I feel for you, I've been dealing with the same problem, not fun! Would love some of these darling stamps, thanks for the chance!! ~Hugs

KJ said...

oooo, he's a bit nawty ;D not quite as smouldering as Edward but top totty all the same!! Thanks again for the chance to win another superb prize, take care x

gina g said...

ooh i just love these, thank you for the chance. luv gina xx

Anonymous said...

I'm back again to comment for the chance at new stamps!!! thanks!
Pam Going Postal

Rachel said...


Sammi said...

Glad to hear that the computer is playing better today!
oooh... sweet stamps by Diane Duda would be such a yummy treat!

Tindaloo said...

I LOVE Diane Duda's stamps - and the new ones are just gorgeous!!! Would love some new ones :)

Best of luck with your PC! I've got them beasties on my computer too... but I have a clever brother I hope can scare 'em off ;)

Diane Louise J said...

Oh... thanks for the chance to win some lovely stamps, I feel like a little girl again with an advent calendar.
Love Diane xx

Rufus said...

I'm still stuck on Edward under the tree! I'll have to look up your other suggestion since I don't think I'm getting Edward. Glad to hear the computer is behaving. Maybe this will be my lucky day!

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Thanks for a chance to win and glad the computer is working today!

Tracy said...

I havent yet ordered any of these stamps yet, but everyone seems to do awesome cards with them. Sure they would look great under the tree... mmmm bet no one would get christmas dinner if they arrived in the post!!!

Anonymous said...

Today, maybe this is the day!

Kim said...

Maybe we can kidnap Edward and no one will no we have him! And yes stamps would be a close 2nd to Mr. Cullen! I am glad to hear your computer is acting nice today! Thanks so much for the chance to win some cuties!
Hugs~ Kim

Christine said...

More great prizes. I'm glad that your computer is feeling better!


Milla said...

Oh wouldn't I love some Diane Duda stamps! I've got one so far, so a few more would be greatly appreciated! ;) *keeping my fingers so crossed it's difficult to type*

jude said...

Hiya ,
Well my daughter has asked for Edward cullen,but she wont get the real thing but have made a small wee model of him out cardboard to go in stocking...he...he ...well she has him but not the real thing...LOL
thanks for giving us another chance to win some fab goodies.Hope your feeling better from your virus.
hugs judex

Janelle said...

sugar nellie stamps always put a smile on my face!

Summer Loving Gal said...

Oh I just LOVE LOVE LOVE Diane's stuff! FABULOUS prize

Shana said...

Ohhh - what great sugar for the holidays! Glad to hear that your computer is slowly being de-bugged. Too bad Edward didn't show up under the tree. :(

Marion said...

o glad the cimputer is holding up. Enjoying this 12 days of christmas. Would love some sugar for under my tree.

Julye said...

Oh I do love a gooid advent calender thanks for the chance to win Julye

Leah l'Orange said...

uh-oh - whatever you do, refrain from KICKING the computer... i've learned from experience this does not yield positive results.

Diane's stuff is lovely!

Annie said...

So sorry about your computer misery.

Thanks for carrying on with the Advent Calender through it all.

Ann xxx

Katie Berberich Handmade said...

Glad to hear you computer is better now, phew!

Moni said...

Thanks for the chance, would love to win it! Hugs,moni

Alison M. said...

Glad to hear your virus is sorted! Nasty things! Thanks for the opportunity to win again. Alison M. :) x

Katja said...

Very nice stamps. I like Sugar Nellie very much.


Lisa said...

Hi, Thanks for the chance to win. Sorry to hear you still have virus problems. Hope you get it sorted soon.

Lisa x

justliketink said...

Diane Duda rocks! Just love, love,love her work...Keep the sugar coming

Jayne Hayward said...

What fab candy behind this door. Would love it to be under my Xmas tree.

Jayne xx

Kruemel said...

I love your "sweet" advent calendar. Thanks for doing it.
Kathrin aka Kruemel

Anne said...

What a lovely candy, thanks for the chance to win :). Glad the virus is keeping away, fingers crossed!

☼ Cheryl* said...

I think i'm too late for this one?

Do you know having more than 1 virus program cancels each one out??
If it helps, I have avg running and also I have superantispyware running. I never scan avg but scan superantispyware once a week. I use windows firewall and it's all been fine for me and I have the free versions.
Also, if you've had norton or mcafee on your computer, you need to make sure you run a removal tool because they leave files on the pc which is not good.

Debbie (Little Gingham Bear) said...

Seven swans a swimming!

Andreja - kokos said...

Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Hugs, Andreja

DillyDilly said...

More Sweeties - Yummy

Liz Corrigan said...

Oh how I would love to win this gorgeous sugar candy. They are so cute.
Rosie x

K said...

Oh, oh, a Duda Daze gift, yummy!!

Joey said...

Glad things are looking better with the comp :O)

Thanks again for day 7!

Annelies said...

Love the Diane Duda stamps since I was one of the lucky ones to be in the bloghop :). Thanks for the chance to win!

Cathy said...

Ohhhhh I love Diane Duda ... lwould love to find a sugar gift under my tree.
Cathy xx

Ali Watson said...

Keeping everything crossed today. Have a super day.

Jayne W said...

Another great prize I would love to win. These draws are great.


tracy said...

thanks for a chance to win
merry christmas to you and all that work so hard in the sugar factory!
tracy x

vikkithescrapjunkie said...

Wow thankyou for the chance to win, I adore Sugar Nellie stamps.
Love n hugs
Vikki xx

Unknown said...

Ooh another lovely candy


Jan x

Therese said...

What a lovely price! Keeping my fingers crossed.

Artyjen said...

A Duda Christmas? Fabby!
Thanks for the chance

Crafting Andy said...

Great advent. Lovin all these chances of winning. Thanks.
Andrea Reid

peggy said...

Thanks for another great give away !!!!
Keep my fingers crossed again !!!

Cheers peggy xx

craftyb said...

Dear Santa, I've been such a good girl and would LOVE you to put a few Miz Duda designs in my stocking...I promise to love and cherish them all through the year!! bx

My name is Wynneth said...

Day 7 already! the days are really flying by now :o) With a number of christmas cards still to make, I am so happy that I have a selection of delightful SN stamps to choose from for my designs :o)


Josephine said...

Good news about the computer! Hope it stays well.

Thanks for the chance to win.

kaz_za's crafty corner said...

glad your back up and runnin again... and i hope them virus's keep away... i have my fingers crossed hopin to win some of your wonderful goodies...

PinksyDoodles said...

Thank you for another chance to win. I have a couple of the Duda Dayz first release stamps and they are gorgeous.
Clare x

Sian said...

Merry Christmas, it's nearly here, and I'm no way ready!

Gunilla said...

Thansk for giving me the chance to win some Diane Duda stamps and to make my collection of Sugar Nellie stamps even bigger.
Hope the virus is gone by now.
Hugs Gunilla

Maria Therese said...

I have one of her stamps and her stamps are soooo cool!!

Lauretta See said...

ohhhhhhhhh how i wish i will win ONE of your prizes :))

scrappyjacky said...

Sounds like a perfect xmas gift.

MicheyMoo said...

So glad your puter is behaving itself. Hopefully you've got the virus stuff under control now!! Not noice....esp just before Chrissy.

Thanks for the chance for some Diane Duda candy!! Sweet. She has such lovely designs!!

Hugs, Michey xxx

Tracey said...

YAY for another chance to win!! Thanks so much!!

Katarina said...

Day seven already?! I need to get those Christmascards ready :)

Nora said...

Oh, good! The comments post isn't disabled today, like it was yesterday when I tried to play along!

Thanks for another chance at yummies!

Brandi said...

A Duda Dayz present under the tree would be so lovely to find! :)