I have heard nothing from Marie over in Sweden, I have tried to be patient but its not something I am good at. I am so sorry to disappoint you all, I had thought that we would have these beautiful stamps in September but now we say goodbye to October and still nothing. I really do not know where we stand, I had such a lovely time with them in their home in Sweden I have no reason to think anything is wrong other than the total lack of contact and before you ask NO I will not jump on a plane and so see whats "not" happening!
But I will share with you the lovely new designs that Marie offered me and I thought we would be able to bring them to you. Wet and windy about sums up the weather in the UK at the moment, I hope it is not so bad with you.
These are adorable. What are you waiting for? Get on that plane girl! Go find out what's happening. We're helpless here and relying on you to get them for us. Lol! Give us her email address and we'll pester them out of her!! :-)
So sorry to read that you have not heard anything. Let me know if I could be of any help. At least I speak Swedish! ;-) Anki
How sad :( they would be snapped in flash over here. They are sooo adorable. Maybe they will be in touch soon???
Judy x
No news is good news my gran used to tell me. Thay are adorable love the girl with the wellies on, she will be right at home in Scotland with our weather. Hope you are recovering from your weekend of sugar sharing. I wish I had bought more now.
These are sooo cute!! I want some pretty badly, but I'm broke anyway, so I can wait!
all good things come to those that wait
So we will just have to be patient.
It must be so frustrating for you not knowing if this will ever transpire. We all need to keep our fingers, toes, eyes.. anythings! crossed and hope that it all works out in the end
Imagine launching them at SECC next time Now that would be something!
sugarplum x
wow-I sort of wish I hadn't seen them now-but you can't lose what you never had right?
Nope- I wont think that that-until she comes out and says outright that the deal is off ,then we can still assume funkykits will be stocking these.
Chins up!Move Forward!
We have had some great designs and have oddles more to come-theres more to sugarnellie than hanglars!
Awww...we can only hope she contacts you soon. Those are adorable images and I'd have no problem buying each and every one. :) Let's hope they get released, positive thoughts things work out!
Thank you for showing us some pics.
Sorry to hear their is a lack of communication from them, just keep prodding her with a stick, may help speed them on! lol xxx
The images are so lovely. It is hard to be patient but I am sure it will be worth the long wait. I hope you hear something soon! Hugs Jeanette
These are really adorable and worth the wait as soon as they available. :) Hang in there. My fingers are still crossed for these lovely stamps to be available at FK.
beautiful... one of each please.... I hope its the no news is good news... We *need* these stamps!
Has there been no contact since your visit to Sweden? Sounds like a breakdown in communication? Contact Marie and ask how she is getting on with the designs? Maybe she is waiting for you to get in touch? Hope the designs are as cute as these new one....so sweet.
How adorable, I'll be keeping everything crossed! As Alison said...'no news' is 'good news' right???
Gayle x
Oh no! I hope that you hear from her soon!!
These are gorgeous - so adorable!!
It's HOT here in Australia .. swap you a few degrees??
Fingers crossed and as many said NO news must be good news. I know Marie runs a one "man" company and hope time is just running too fast with all the eager Norwegian and Swedish stampers ordering stamps from her (lucky them...). I am just starting my wishlist for Xmas - and I will put - good news about Hänglar on the top. =0)
How cute they are!
I hope everything works out for you soon, I think the whole stamping world is waiting for you to start selling these designs!
But, I have to say you do have lots of other gorgeous stamp designs to offer - I love all my Sugar Nellie stamps!♥
How strange! Hope you hear something soon. These are so pretty. Kimx
Ooo myyyy they are sooooooo gorgeous!!! I hope you hear soon from hanglers!! and the weather over here is the same as in scotland... rain, rain, rain....
hugs Tiets
Oh wow. Those are simply gorgeous. I need them!
Oh these are just gorgeous I so want them. Fingers crossed they pull their socks up pretty quickly.
Arr ,No news is good news thats what they always say xxx
hang in there they will come xxx
they are gorgeous ,Dawnxx
These are gorgeous, but so are all the other Sugar Nellie stamps, so you know the old saying - 'if its meant to be - it will happen'. Maybe another gentle little prod (ever so nicely) should move things forwards or backwards - time will tell. I cannot wait to hear about the other new projects in the background - love and best wishes. xxx
Absolutely gorgeous designs, i am waiting (not very patiently!), but fully understand how things sometimes don't run as smoothly as planned.
Fingers crossed it will be all systems go shortly :o)
Jules x
The Hanglars are gorgeous, but as everyone says, no new is good news. We all still love Sugar Nellie.x
Oh how dissapointing. These stamps are really cute and I would love to be able to get my hands on some of these! I hope Marie gets in touch really soon!
Hugs, Vicky x
Wow, there are so lovely! I really hope you will hear from Sweden soon!
Don't give up hope. Marie is showing them on the Hanglar blog, saying that they are coming soon (I think...had to use an online translator) ...so fingers crossed you will get them too.
They are absolutely GORGEOUS! I hope you hear from Marie soon, can't wait to ink up these little angels!
And remember, patience is not always a virtue...;o)
Oh, how gorgeous! As everyone is saying, no news is good news, but we share your frustration!
Maria xx
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