Lots of questions about the pre order weekend, but our main worry is lack of stock over at Funkykits, more is on the way but with so many sell outs we had a look around to see what stamps could jump their release dates and fill the shelves.
SO it looks like you will be seeing the next and last collection of Sugar Nellie stamps designed by the very popular Elisabeth Bell, along with new second set of super cute Mary Hall designs.
Add this to the pre order of Gorjuss girls #2, that's a lot a lot a sugar this weekend.:0
Hope you all don't have a sugar over load and get the shakes while colouring in !
All that candy
All that candy made my mouth water, some I don't know but if its sweet I will give it a try. We had a lovely box of DT cards and candy arrive in the House of Sugar, thank you Jeanette, maple candy is very very sweet, a lovely surprises :)
All hands on deck tomorrow in a last ditch attempt to clear all the orders and get those floors swept in prep for the release of GORJUSS set 2. Marlene and Tiets have been busy with new stamps and along with a few secret special guests, we have stunning samples to show you. All will be shown on Friday night 8pm over on our thread on SCS. I have never done it this way but know that its going to be a lot of fun and I hope to see some sugar addict over there.
Once we clear back orders and all sticky orders are sent to the great British Post office, we can restock Funkykits as the are very low on stock, and get ready for the weekend. Tracy is back next week and it will be great to see her back again and it also means I can have some time off. A little trip to Glasgow is planned to collect #1 DD and bring her home for Easter. Its lambing time and she cant wait to catch up with the pet lambs

Weekend Winner
The winner of Gorjuss candy is
joey said...
Oh my gosh! I am like you sweet to the core!. So generous of you to offer the next set of gorjuss girls :O) ooooh fave candies I will try to be brief lol, cola cubes, cola bottles, oooh wham bars fave choccies eeek fruit and nut, toblerone, omg I think I had best stop the list there. Going to fill this rumbling tum now :O) Joey.xxx
March 25, 2009 9:28 PM
Congratulation, there will be a set of GORJUSS girls be sent to you next weekend , after the launch on SCS where you can all see what the wonderful DT and guest have done with set #2.
Once you see these beautiful creations it is going to be hard not to pre order :)
Also the lucky winner out of 108 entries, to challenge 6 on http://www.sugarbowlblog.blogspot.com/
was Joanne http://craftingjoanne.blogspot.com/
and she had the choice between Elisabeth Bells Baskets and Butterfly's or Gorjuss set 2
she chose Gorjuss stamps :)
Lucky lucky girls and we will be looking out to see what you make with your new stamps.
Challenge 7 is up over at the SUGAR BOWL, our lovely sweeties have made beautiful cards to inspire you to pick up you rubber and stamp. With great prizes, it is one of the best
challenge blogs about if not the best.*trumpet blowing* Jump over and join in, you will be made very welcome.
joey said...
Oh my gosh! I am like you sweet to the core!. So generous of you to offer the next set of gorjuss girls :O) ooooh fave candies I will try to be brief lol, cola cubes, cola bottles, oooh wham bars fave choccies eeek fruit and nut, toblerone, omg I think I had best stop the list there. Going to fill this rumbling tum now :O) Joey.xxx
March 25, 2009 9:28 PM
Congratulation, there will be a set of GORJUSS girls be sent to you next weekend , after the launch on SCS where you can all see what the wonderful DT and guest have done with set #2.
Once you see these beautiful creations it is going to be hard not to pre order :)
Also the lucky winner out of 108 entries, to challenge 6 on http://www.sugarbowlblog.blogspot.com/
was Joanne http://craftingjoanne.blogspot.com/
and she had the choice between Elisabeth Bells Baskets and Butterfly's or Gorjuss set 2
she chose Gorjuss stamps :)
Lucky lucky girls and we will be looking out to see what you make with your new stamps.
Challenge 7 is up over at the SUGAR BOWL, our lovely sweeties have made beautiful cards to inspire you to pick up you rubber and stamp. With great prizes, it is one of the best
challenge blogs about if not the best.*trumpet blowing* Jump over and join in, you will be made very welcome.
Are you feeling lucky?
Are you counting down the hours until Thursday?
Would you like to win yourself Gorjuss set #2, which opens for pre order on 3rd April?
No one does candy like Sugar Nellie,
so tell me what is your favourite sweetie/candy/chocolates?
I like too many to list, I have a very sweet tooth :)
Single Girls
I am not sure how many of you are waiting for single girls, these gorjuss stamps are all now at FK waiting to be let loose on the world tomorrow. Question is will there be enough? I am never sure about numbers but I have had a few emails asking about them.
How many of you are waiting?
Hands up so I can count :)
There have been a few sell outs with the March releases and we are re stocking those, I really must have more confidence in our range and order bigger quantities.
Catch you all later with a candy give away, hope you have a gorjuss day where ever you are.
How many of you are waiting?
Hands up so I can count :)
There have been a few sell outs with the March releases and we are re stocking those, I really must have more confidence in our range and order bigger quantities.
Catch you all later with a candy give away, hope you have a gorjuss day where ever you are.
Monday Movers
Lots of moving around in the House of Sugar, we are expecting the joiner in tomorrow to fit some storage units, I do try to be tidy but mess follows me.
I have some great new stamps from Mary Hall to package tomorrow
and the first artwork from Diane has arrived, it's exciting times.
Single girls go live on Thursday, not sure if a news letter is going out but I thought I would just tell you again here.
There was a box of stamps from The Greeting Farm arrive at FK today and its strange having new stamps from another company about the store, I almost pocketed one for myself but then again I have loads of our own stamps to play with if I had a minuet. Time, where can I find more time?
I have some great new stamps from Mary Hall to package tomorrow
and the first artwork from Diane has arrived, it's exciting times.
Single girls go live on Thursday, not sure if a news letter is going out but I thought I would just tell you again here.
There was a box of stamps from The Greeting Farm arrive at FK today and its strange having new stamps from another company about the store, I almost pocketed one for myself but then again I have loads of our own stamps to play with if I had a minuet. Time, where can I find more time?
Hugs to you

Today I will post a lovely card made by Ethel while she was a guest DT member.
Using the stamp Hug in a Mug designed by Elisabeth Bell.
Today there are many people who could do with a hug, this card is for you.
Tracy sends her thanks for all the cards and goodies which you kindly sent her while she is off work. While stuck at home she has updated the FK gallery, its looking great
I will be going into the house of sugar later on today to catch up with some orders, they are not being dispatched as quickly as I would like, not enough hour in the day and there is a build up of "sticky" orders, those that get stuck in the system because they require special attention. I would like to improve things in this area and for this reason
Funkykits will no longer offer air sure
OR orders for more than 10 Sugar Nellie stamps.
This will improve the speed in which you receive your sugar fix, "sticky" orders can drag on for a week or so due to emails going back and forth and require so much attention that they are unfortunately put to the bottom of the order pile.
In the House of Sugar its catch up week, with top up orders and show orders going out, along with a general tidy up before we launch single gorjuss girls next weekend.
Have a great weekend sugar addicts, I hope its a sweet one what ever you are doing.
Could you design a stamp?
You may know that this year we plan to have a fundraising promotions for Cancer Research UK Its a girl thing, breast cancer fundraiser.
The main part of our fund raising will be done with a selection of specially designed limited edition stamps donated by our illustrators and maybe by you too :)
Today I am asking if you would like to design a stamp for this cause. There is no brief other than it needs to be original work. If this is something that you feel you would like to support, please send a 300 dpi jpeg of your work to info@sugarnellie.com. (this will not be used without your permission) All artists will be emailed direct and we can take it from there.
I know that this fundraiser will only be small in the grand scheme of things but in an industry full of women, mothers, daughter, wife's and sisters, I choose to do what I can no matter how small to help the cause, and I know that with your help, this will be a great bonding of women with the same aim and goal. It's a girl thing, but men are invited to send in designs too.
Take care and believe that as we approach Mothering Sunday here in the UK, that one day there will be a cure and for all the Mothers and Daughters in the world it will be one step nearer that day.
The main part of our fund raising will be done with a selection of specially designed limited edition stamps donated by our illustrators and maybe by you too :)
Today I am asking if you would like to design a stamp for this cause. There is no brief other than it needs to be original work. If this is something that you feel you would like to support, please send a 300 dpi jpeg of your work to info@sugarnellie.com. (this will not be used without your permission) All artists will be emailed direct and we can take it from there.
I know that this fundraiser will only be small in the grand scheme of things but in an industry full of women, mothers, daughter, wife's and sisters, I choose to do what I can no matter how small to help the cause, and I know that with your help, this will be a great bonding of women with the same aim and goal. It's a girl thing, but men are invited to send in designs too.
Take care and believe that as we approach Mothering Sunday here in the UK, that one day there will be a cure and for all the Mothers and Daughters in the world it will be one step nearer that day.
Home Grown Boys
Tiets made this card "you make my heart happy" and I also feel the same when I see cards that you have made with SN stamps. With Easter around the corner, its a hard choice to make, which Sugar Nellie stamp to use on your cards. Which one is your favourite?
Gorjuss candy
I received a few thank you emails from those who received gorguss candy in the post, all pre orders where entered into a draw and a random selection of names and addresses all over the world were picked , packed and sent.
Was it you?
Now I know that not all Sugar Nellie customers blog or follow blogs but we sent out a fair few prizes and its good to hear back from the winner. Enjoy the candy, its fat free :)
Still catching up in the House of Sugar, all Funky Kits orders will hopefully be dispatched within the next 24 hrs, all up to date. Then its back to cutting rubber for top ups of sell out lines and wholesale orders.
There must be lots of new nellies arriving all over the world, it will be great to see your creations. Marlene has been busy with Home Grown Boys, pop over and see for yourself why Marlene is on the SN DT, she is amazing.
As it the very talented Tiets, the post just takes longer to get to Netherlands and Tiets does not have her stamps yet. Soon, very soon they will arrive in Holland.
I also received a parcel of DT cards from Tiets today, thank you so much, your work takes pride of place in the store where we show off all your work along side other DT cards and creations.
That's all from me tonight, we will be getting ready to launch single girls soon, these will be going to Funkykits for the next 8 weeks and then maybe they will turn up in your local stamp shop. We just need time to clear the tables and sweep the floor.
Was it you?
Now I know that not all Sugar Nellie customers blog or follow blogs but we sent out a fair few prizes and its good to hear back from the winner. Enjoy the candy, its fat free :)
Still catching up in the House of Sugar, all Funky Kits orders will hopefully be dispatched within the next 24 hrs, all up to date. Then its back to cutting rubber for top ups of sell out lines and wholesale orders.
There must be lots of new nellies arriving all over the world, it will be great to see your creations. Marlene has been busy with Home Grown Boys, pop over and see for yourself why Marlene is on the SN DT, she is amazing.
As it the very talented Tiets, the post just takes longer to get to Netherlands and Tiets does not have her stamps yet. Soon, very soon they will arrive in Holland.
I also received a parcel of DT cards from Tiets today, thank you so much, your work takes pride of place in the store where we show off all your work along side other DT cards and creations.
That's all from me tonight, we will be getting ready to launch single girls soon, these will be going to Funkykits for the next 8 weeks and then maybe they will turn up in your local stamp shop. We just need time to clear the tables and sweep the floor.
Introducing to all you sugar addicts who have been searching etsy for
our new ,exclusive stamp illustrator
(drum roll please.....................)
Diane Duda
I am sure you will give her a huge welcome to the team and I am certain that you all cant wait to see what she does for us.
Would you all like a peek of Diane's style?
and a little bit about the day to day life of one woman in a house full of men
We are delighted that Diane chose to let Sugar Nellie launch her amazing designs as rubber stamps, we promise to take very good care of her delightful characters and we hope to have the first stamps ready towards the end of next month.
Diane has been working on them already and I am sure she will be very excited to see what you all create with our sweet stamps.
We pride ourselves in bringing you great quality real rubber stamp and exciting new illustrators.
Variety is the spice of life and we are going to bring you such a great range this year,
as we did last year.
New illustrator
I am going to tell you all about our new illustrator this week, no not today, just a few ends to tie up before we announce to the world. But to tease you a little and to make a little bit of a game of it, I will give away a set of these first release stamps to one name out of the draw of correct guesses.
Clue number one: An etsy artist who's original work is on canvas but is available as prints and ACEO's.
But I will leave you with one of the new home grown stamps arriving next month as you love these ones without a doubt.
I have decided not to go with the last peek of vintage girls, your opinions were appreciate and listened to.

Thinking about.......
Thinking about changing over to Wordpress, the choice of having other pages rather than just one is tempting, what are your thoughts on blogger v wordpress?

Thinking about a new range of designs that are sitting on my desk, your view would be appreciate . Its hard to keep up with myself at the moment and with so much news coming soon, I would like a second opinion on these so we can move on to the next thing :)
Have a great weekend and its great to see some new stampers over at SCS.
Unlucky for some.....

Its been a lovely day here in Scotland, the lambing is going slowly and with two pet lambs to bottle feed, the younger children are kept busy. We are sitting twiddling our thumbs in the House of Sugar as yet again our rubber has not been delivered , expected something on Monday but now its Friday and there are no deliveries on Saturday. I am not a happy sugar mama and will most likely have twice the work load next week which means a lot of chocolate and cake to manage the stress levels. This now puts me behind with my plans for launching new stamps and FK are out of stock with several stamps, I can only apologise as I know a lot of you are waiting for new rubber.
Over on SCS we have our own forum, I would like to see some more sugar addict over there, there is a gorjuss challenge just for SCS with the chance to win set #2. See you all there.
What's in a name?

I thought I would tease you a little with some of the new girlie's we coming soon to the House Of Sugar. These darlings are especially home grown and she is looking for a name, we have Nellie, Maggie, Lola, Annie, Daisy, Claudia and Honey. What shall we call our new range of cute country girls?
Vintage teal

We received a great package of DT work from Marlene, huge thanks, stunning work again :)
I am just finishing off the order of single gorjuss girls for Funkykits, I hope we have enough? So much rubber to come this week I might not be around much.
Sweet cup cakes

Cup cakes and muffin, don't make me decide.........OK cup cakes it is, and when we hit Florida this summer it will be into Publix for a big box, to share you understand! :P Frosting is something we don't get in the UK, but there is only so much frosting you can eat in one sitting.
This is one of the new delightful stamps from Mary, ain't she sweet, just get those copic pens out, she will be ready soon along with five others to add to the range we have from Mary Hall.
Huge thanks Kim
It sure does lift your spirts when some does something out of the blue unprompted. Kim did just that today in donating to our fundraiser, we are still putting it together but I added the gadget thingy when I set up the web site. I will not spill all the beans but there will be a limited range of stamps available for a limited time this year with a big chunk, if not 100% of sales going to our chosen charity. But today I want to thank Kim for donating because she wanted to, huge hug to you Kim :)
I will be back later with another few peeks of different ranges but first I have to water mark them.
I will be back later with another few peeks of different ranges but first I have to water mark them.
A little peek of whats to come

No peeks of gorjuss girls set 2, and if you have traveled blog land you may have seen a few peeks of new Sweet Art Ebony stamps. That's not all we have coming into the house of sugar, so this week coming will be another busy one for us.
Have a great weekend girls, I hope next week bring lots of nice surprises.
Travel far & see much
No time to stop as I have a little visitor to sleep over tonight, and as I do not get this little man to myself very often I am off to put him to bed before his Mam phones to check he is in his bed!
But stop by these two challenge blogs and see fantastic cards and some gorjuss ones.
Also take a minuet to visit Dawn who has a variety of sweet cards on her blog
http://www.allpinkgirl.blogspot.com/ Dawn
I don't like to lift any pictures from other blogs unless they are on the DT and it is part of their work for SN. I would rather you went and had a look at these sites for yourselves, enjoy the journey in blog land, you have no idea where it will lead you too.
But stop by these two challenge blogs and see fantastic cards and some gorjuss ones.
Also take a minuet to visit Dawn who has a variety of sweet cards on her blog
http://www.allpinkgirl.blogspot.com/ Dawn
I don't like to lift any pictures from other blogs unless they are on the DT and it is part of their work for SN. I would rather you went and had a look at these sites for yourselves, enjoy the journey in blog land, you have no idea where it will lead you too.
Candy colours

Isn't she a little darling, what pretty colours Marlene has used here on one of the soon to be released stamps we have in hiding from Elisabeth Bell. She is from our collection named Baskets & Butterflies, due to be released early April but may have to be brought forward due to the shear amount of new stamps we have to release this side of the summer. Pretty pink and peppermint green are such sugary sweet candy colours, Marlene has beautifully matched them to this stamp called Windswept.
Its hard to imagine that soon I will have to think about Christmas. If I have the illustrators start now, final artwork to the factory and then send stamps to designers to make sample for magazine deadlines, I will have to be thinking about that very soon! We have some stunning work coming to you in a variety of UK magazines, these project were done many months before you see them and are a total secret until in print. I have been lucky to have a great selection of girls do project either for Sugar Nellie or commissioned by the mags and choose to use SN, all of which we are very great full.
I am also working on a party to release the second set of Gorjuss stamps, a little different this time with no peeks, you will see the DT samples at the same time as you may order, but only if you want to.
Also our fundraiser for the summer, It's a girl thing. And many more promotions and releases, all of which are totally sweet and super cute. Some surprised too for Sugar Nellie fans, a slight move away from cute and trying something a little different which to me is wacky and totally suited for the purpose intended. :) ha ha ha
World maths day
At school, a long time ago now, I was always better at maths than English, and even now I would rather count than spell!
Its easy to see why buying more costs less in the long run, a woman is good at crunching numbers and justifying spending one way or another. Buying the sweetest sugar nellie collection and saving gives you the better deal, so it does :) One new stamp lasts a lot longer than embellishments, one new stamp may inspire you to use some of that yummy papers you have been saving, all of which you paid for long ago. Which ever way you look at it, women are better at maths, better at budgeting and saving for something they really really want.
I am currently working on the maths for a fundraiser we are going to be doing this year. More on that later but lets just say its going to be a lot of fun and "It's a girl thing".
The steam is coming from the rubber factory, I am sure it is even if it is too far away to see it, I know how much rubber is on its way in the next few weeks and because of that I will not have the time to go to Glasgow this week to meet a few sugar babes again. Sugar Nellie stamps will be on the Imagination stand and be sure to stop by and say hello to Harvey and Sue. Holding down two jobs, Tracys and my own, takes all the hours in the day, sorry girls but I am sure you will have lots of shopping fun without me :)
Its easy to see why buying more costs less in the long run, a woman is good at crunching numbers and justifying spending one way or another. Buying the sweetest sugar nellie collection and saving gives you the better deal, so it does :) One new stamp lasts a lot longer than embellishments, one new stamp may inspire you to use some of that yummy papers you have been saving, all of which you paid for long ago. Which ever way you look at it, women are better at maths, better at budgeting and saving for something they really really want.
I am currently working on the maths for a fundraiser we are going to be doing this year. More on that later but lets just say its going to be a lot of fun and "It's a girl thing".
The steam is coming from the rubber factory, I am sure it is even if it is too far away to see it, I know how much rubber is on its way in the next few weeks and because of that I will not have the time to go to Glasgow this week to meet a few sugar babes again. Sugar Nellie stamps will be on the Imagination stand and be sure to stop by and say hello to Harvey and Sue. Holding down two jobs, Tracys and my own, takes all the hours in the day, sorry girls but I am sure you will have lots of shopping fun without me :)
Tuesday twittering

It has caused a bit of a stir in the house of sugar these gorjuss girls, it has become apparent that a lot of stampers sat on the fence when pre orders were available and are now kicking themselves when they see the amazing cards made with these stamps designed by Suzanne Woolcott for Sugar Nellie. There were a few lucky girls who were quick off the mark to snap up the few extra kits that Funkykits had left. Now FK are totally sold out , it is hard to have to wait for the end of the month for the single girls but Katie are packing them ready for FK.
So what about the second set, I think that this set will be AMAZING and once you see the beautiful designs that Suzanne has done there will be no hesitating over that pre order button.
March is going to be a bumper month here at the HOUSE OF SUGAR. I am having a hard time keeping track of all the new stamps due in and the rubber factory are working their way through our orders.
And remember you asked for stamps for older boys................almost there :)
Sunny Sunday news

As the new Leanne Ellis stamps are now available over at Funkykits, I thought that this one from Marlene was the pick of the day, reminds me of all you girls sitting waiting for the postman to bring you some sugar!LOL
There is a lot going on over in the sugar bowl , our challenge blog run by Gayle and her "sweeties"
These girls do a wonderful job and there love of stamping is amazing, I thank them all for their support they are indeed, Sweeties.
The Christmas challenge might have been a hard one at first but hey, its a challenge and with under 20 entries so far there is a good chance of winning a great prize, randomly picked for fairness. http://sugarbowlblog.blogspot.com
Enjoy your Sunday girls and I will be watching out for your creations, take care.
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