Happiness is Homemade

Hi everyone,
Wow, time seems to pass so fast.
Almost spring :)
At Saturdays I may give you some inspiration and
for today I used a digi from the Simply Sassy range.
She is called Picture Pose.
I coluored her with my copics.

Click here for the direct orderlink:

The image is so girly, that I just had to use pink papers,
Here is my card:

Although a girlie card, somehow flowers did not match on this card,
so I used several natural embelilshments like wood and stone.
I did add bling thoigh as there should be bling on a girlie card.
Thank you so much for visiting this blog today,
Untill next week,
Happy crafting and hugs,

1 comment:

Debs cards said...

Hi Marion what a pretty card the colours and your design are wonderful.

Debs xxx
{Debs Cards}