Sugar addict have been busy, hop over to these blogs and see what other have been creating.
We are getting ready for the launch for the next set of six Annie stamps designed by Leanne Ellis this weekend. Will restocks also needed to give you all a wide choice of sugar to pick from, we are working our way through the rubber.
For those attending the SECC in Glasgow next week, look out for the sugar :) Sweet things can be found on the Imagination stand, be sure to stop by and say hello to Harvey & Sue.
Another stunning card from Marlene. She's great and this new little girl is GORJUSS :))
I can't wait to received mines :))
Hugs from Miami,
LIM :)
I havent stop playing with mine ... i have to say they are really addictive !!
I have made lots of cards since Igot mine they are on my blog hope you like them!
Awww thanx hun for adding my blog it was a lovely surprize :)
I just can't put the little beauties down they are just fab!! I had another play today & like Maddy says they are very addictive!!
Really looking forward to the next set :)
Sorry to hear your having probs with folk not paying attention to the rules >:( There are aways some willing to reck it for others!! hope you get it sorted hun xx
Send Tracy my love & sending her (((HUGS)))
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