OMG its hot in here.....

I can across a little piece of heaven today, my love of craft crossed with my OCD (obsessive Cullen Disorder) with all things Twilight and fan fiction. Amazing themed cards and creations, go see.

It's a challenge blog of OCD sufferers......................and just take a look at Rob and know how much I am suffering
Now I know I am old enough to be his mother, but a girl can dream right?
New Moon is less than one month away and there is a gang of us going to see it on a girlie night out, I can't wait.
SO now that you have seen some eye candy, how about some Sugar Nellie candy for you this time.
I have a goodie bag to give away each day until our birthday on the first of November.
All you have to do is leave me a comment, are you team Edward or Jacob?


Eijgenraam Orchideeen said...

I'm the first for a comment.... but it's not an easy one to write. Edward or Jacob, well I say both two hottie's is better than one ;-)

Happy birthday Sugar Nellie, thanks for cellebrating it with us.

Crafting Andy said...

I think I had better send my Sis in that direction. She'd be feeling a bit hot too I think. Loving the new stamps by the way.
Hugz Andrea.xx

Sammi said...

Great pic!! I am most definitely Team Edward! lol (although there is a small soft spot for Jacob) no - TEAM EDWARD all the way!

PinksyDoodles said...

I now know what you are talking about, as I've recently read the first three books. My heart is with Edward but my head is with Jacob.
Clare x

♥ Lydia ♥ said...

You have just made my DD no2's day!!! She absolutely L♥ves Twilight! And it's a definite Edward vote from her!! :)
Oh hang on!! I'm being nagged at now, as she wants to hog the PC to get to the challenge site!!
Looks like it's crafting for me then!! (yip!)

Naoual said...

Woohoo, Team Edward ALL THE WAY babyyy...!! LOL!! Yeah, it's true, I suffer from OCD too. I've started reading the books for the fourth time (and I've only come across the saga a couple of months ago). I know I'm obsessed and I love every minute of it, LOL!!

Only a couple of weeks until the movie, I'm counting the days and I'll be dragging DH with me, poor thing!

Hugs, Naoual xx

Summer Loving Gal said...

Team Edward....definitely!
Can't WAIT til New Moon!

Sarah B said...

I'm definitely Team Edward. Didn't know what all the fuss was until I watched Twilight last week, now I have all the books to read over half team, he is defo yummy candy, Hugs Sarah B X

Diane Duda said...


JPScraps said...

Team Edward!!

Marley said...

Ohhhhh what a lovelyyyy picture!! I'm definitly team Edward!!! xxx Hugs Marley

Helen said...

Definitely Team Edward for me! ;0)
Helen x

Caroline said...

Im team Edward!

I only got into the books recently, Ive read Twilight, New Moon & Eclipse twice each but cant get hold of Breaking Dawn which Im gutted about, Im going to see NM for my birthday as it comes out the day before - what a FAB present eh!?!?!?!

Sharon said...

Definately an Edward Teamie!!

Sharon x

Theresa said...

OK...I hate being first because first posters never win...but here goes anyway!!! Initially I was Team Edward. Then I saw the trailer for New Moon where Jacob rips his shirt I'm not so sure....LOL!!!! I just LOVE that Wild Edward stamp! She needs to create a whole set of Cullens (and Blacks) for us!!!!

HenrietteH said...

Ohhh, I'm a fan of Edward & I love goodie bags....

Ali Watson said...

Definately Team Edward, my heart may belong to my hubby but my neck belongs to Edward :D

Ria Zonnestraaltje said...

hmmm if I only can choose between jacob or Edward then deffi go for Edward but the best Vampire even stays BRAD PITT for me :)

hugs Ria

Kristin said...

Unfortunately I'm not a Twilight-fan (yet), but he's really handsome, this Edward-guy! ;)

K said...

Jacob, definitely :) DD says she's not really sure, but probably Jacob.

Ann-Marie said...

Oh my seeing that piccie has just made my day!!! What a yummy piece of eye candy. I too am counting down the days cant wait. Have a great day, take care Ann-Marie xxx

Leah l'Orange said...

i had teetered for a while, but i am DEFINITELY team Edward! :)

Maya said...

Team Edward of course! Simply love the saga, and can't wait for the new movie.

Unknown said...

ooooohhhhh Im team Edward all the way lol :0) am totally hooked and cant wait for the New Moon film to hit the cinemas here! Would love to be in your candy draw too! Thanks for the eye candy today xx Janet

Littleminx said...


I am most definately in the Edward camp .... swoon

BYW Love all the new stamps can't wait for them to land.



Beverley said...

I also suffer from "OCD" and can't wait for the new film. It has to be "Team Edward"!!


☼ Cheryl* said...

I am so Team Edward!!!!!!!!
I cannot wait till new moon comes out, I have my ticket for the showing near us printed out ready for the first showing at our cinema!
I've been counting down since June,

Kimmi said...

Team Edward from start to finish. I am so excited about New Moon and can not wait for it to be here. Me and my girlie friends are off to see it on the first Saturday of Opening.. Ooo he is dreamy isn't he. You just wouldn't mind him breaking into your bedroom through your window just to stand staring at you while you slept. Some might find that creepy, but it is Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson. You just could not say no!!

Hope you enjoy New Moon as much as you've enjoyed reading the books/watching Twilight...

Thank you for sharing this gorgeous photo too!

Off to check the link.

Kimmi xx

roses_r_red_1 said...

its got to be edward every time! yum yum! sarah x

weekend-crafter said...

Oh candy, is he the candy??? What a looker, and yes a girl can dream. Would love to be entered into the draw. Thanks for the chance, Karen xoxo

Tammi said...

Wowza what a pic to wake up too, thank you!!! I'm def. Team EDWARD! We already bought our tickets to go see New Moon...I've been listening to the new soundtrack and can't wait to see what scene goes with which song. So looking forward to the Italy scenes! :) Your so sweet to offer candy, hugs!

Jean Peters said...

OMG that blog is amazing and the crafts just fantastic. I would have to be team Edward. So looking forward to the birthday bash. congratulations x

Liberty :) said...

Such a hard question. Team Edward but judging by the latest film I'll have Jacob to swoon over now. I think firmly though Team Edward he is so troubled!!!

Stampin Mindy said...


Carmen said...

While you lot fight over Edward and Jacob can I just walk away with Bill from True Blood instead? :P

Christine said...

Team Jacob all the way!

Mandy said...

definately team EDWARD!!! this pic made my day, its one I didnt have, the shock, I too have OCD and DONT want to be cured..never!! knowing the new moon is so close, has me gone loopy, withdrawls, sweats, I NEED my fix! so excited {{{happy dance}}} cant stop listening to soundtrack either, trying to place all songs in scenes..can you tell I am obssessed, lol!! have the kids rolling their eyes at me! TEAM EDWARD!!

oh and yes and I would love to be entered in draw too lol!!

hugs mandyxx

Unknown said...

I have never seen the show....might have to check it out and see what I am missing....would still love to win candy though.

Gabby said...

I know right? *wink* I'm partial to Jasper though...but still a vamp girl! Hey...make sure to check out the Twilight Tuesday blog hop! Make you suffer a little more maybe?

emmy lou 82 said...

oooh hes a bit yummy lol, now i am going to make a confession ...I have no idea what twilight or new moon is,, arrhhh don't hate me lol !!
please enlighten me... i think it has somthing to do with vampires ... a book or film??? sorry i'm so clueless . thanks for the chance to win too xx

jojo79 said...

Team Edward for sure. I haven't read the last book yet - am trying to wait for the paperback to come out, but may have to give in soon. I read the first three books in one weekend :).

Great picture.


Jolanda said...

LOL,we are never too old to dream, i think i will be in Edwards team.

Bye, Jolanda

Bumbles and Fairy-Tales said...

OME! Is that even a real question??? LOL!
I know, Jacob shines in New Moon, but he's a pup ;)
Today is Twilight Tuesday's One Year Anniversary Blog Hop! Hope you have some time to join in on the fun!!!
Happy Tuesday :*)
~ margie

Tracy said...

Definately Team Edward, and thanks for the heads up on the site, just going for a visit.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

KJ said...

OOOOoooo, he's sooo pretty! I'm definately a Team Edward girl & now I kno there are Twilight themed stamps out there I'm off to hunt them down & drool a little bit ;) Thanks for the info xx

Deirdre said...

Team Jacob, love the "dark" cuties!!

Thanks!! Dee

Deirdre said...

Team Jacob! Love the "dark" cuties!


Laura (Faerielore) said...

Team Edward all the way i have OCD !!!!! ive already got my new moon tickets for opening night YAY counting down the days now woohoo

judith@poppy cottage said...

Defo team Edward! I'm old enough to be his mother too! My son's girlfriend got me into the Twilight books,and once I started,I couldn't stop! I went through all four in about two and a half weeks while managing to do everything else in my life as well,(apart from talk to anyone else that is!!!)Love 'em. Looking forward to all the new stamps you have coming out at the end of the month, especially Diane's and Leanne's offerings awesome. Judith x

Neenie said...

Phwooarrrr!!! Definitely Team Edward - have you seen the clip of him stepping out from the shadows into the piazza??? 'Nuff said! Can't wait til New Moon's out - I'm planning on dropping the kids off at school and spending the week in the cinema. ;)

Liss said...

defo team edward , always have been and always will be :)

katy said...

Swooon...oh thats difficult but judging by the previews of Jacobs ripped muscles in New Moon i'm gonna have to say Team Jacob...phwoar, lol. x

Juut said...

It's hard to choose! But I guess I'll go for team Edward!
And of course I LOVE goodie bags.
Thank you for the chance to win!

Tracy said...

Mmmmmmm, Edward for sure!!! How can you not be with that sizzling hot picture!!!

Tracy said...

I am with you on that I am old enough to be his mother too, and completely think he is gorgeous, my husband saw a clip for the movie and said I guess Dana will want to go see that (our daughter) and I said I do too- and he just shook his head. So in answer to the question- I am definitely team Edward (my daughter is team Jacob, so at least we aren't fighting over the same guy! LOL)

Sarah said...

Team Edward! x

Maureen said...

Mmmmmm... Thanks for the eye candy - YUMS!! Team Edward all the way!!

Kathi said...

I LOVE this picture...
I am dazzled...
what was the question???
Ahhh, what team am I?
I am Team ROBWARD all the way ;-)
xx Kathi

Christine said...

I'm not a fan of Twilight but both are cuties!!!


amanda stokes said...

OMG i'm seriously spooked lol as ive uploaded a card today that my cousin asked me to make for his friend who loves Twilight.You can see my card
I'm team Edward :),shamefully i say that ive not seen the film or read the book yet but I plan to as ive seen the trailer's for new moon and i reeeeeeally wanna see it!
hugs amanda x

Annemarie said...

I've no idea. Do we have twilight in Holland? The picture looks very nice though. So I'm definetly missing something good...
Happy birthday.
Thanks for charing.

Julie said...

Team Edward without a shadow of a doubt!!!!! Juliexx

Georgina said...

Ooh do I have to choose? Okay - Team Edward!

Viv said...

Oooooh! Yum! Team Edward definitely!!!! No comparison!
Am hooked on the New Moon soundtrack already. We're getting a bunch together for a Twilight video catchup then off to the movies for New Moon.

Melanie Marshall said...

Team Edcob!! I love them both.. but if choosing anything.. it has to be Team Alice, that girl is just so classy!

Happy Birthday to the greatest stamps - We adore you!!


Jeanette said...

Oh I am team Edward all the way...BTW you are the one who convinced me to read the series...........once I started I couldn't stop!
Hugs Jeanette

paola said...

MMMMmmmm, if my husband knew he would shoot me and Edward. Loving the stamps.

Kay said...

I am the only person in the world who isn't on either team because I didn't like the books and haven't seen the movie!

Carisa said...

haha, I too can't decide between team edward or jacob. they are both hot in their own ways to me. although being pregnant i have had dreams of doing things to jacob that are surely illegal for me to do to one so young. LMAO please pick me!!!!

Cathy said...

I'm so dazzled by the sparkly one that I can barely type!!I am Team Edward all the way!!! I am so glad that you have started including the FF and Twi related stuff on your blog!! I enjoy reading it and looking at the eye candy!! Hugs, Cathy

Joanne Brown said...

Never watched it but they are both very nice.

Anyway have a Great Birthday Sugar Nellie.

Hugz Joanne xx

Rachel F said...

Team Jacob - man he is HOT!

JoAnn V. ( said...

After reading the book - Team Jacob!

After seeing the movie - Team Edward! :) *lol*

Rufus said...

Why do I have to chose? I'll take 'em both! Happy Birthday! Love all the stamps.

Claudine said...

Even though Edward is verry cute... I am with Jacob all the way! I was with Ed until I read New Moon... Then Jacob took over and never failed yet!

lorene said...

oh yeah! Team Edward!!! thanks for putting my name in the hat!


Maxene said...

Oh, I'm loving all the new stamps! I'm for Edward!!!!!!!!!

Wiccababe said...

now thats a hard one Karen, am definitely Team Edward when I'm reading the books, BUT I'm afraid Rob Pattinson doesn't do it for me, so its Taylor Lautner and Team Jacob in the films for me mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, and yup I'm old enough to be their mum too

Mariska said...

That picture is gorgeous!!! I am definitely team Edward. Jacob is cute but more in a little brother kind of way.


MicheyMoo said...

Team EDWARD, hands down. Or is that hands UP!! hehe

Jenni said...

Definitely Edward for me :)
Jenni x

Clare Arnold said...

NOw you see, I haven't seen the films yet. I can't decide if I really want to as I don't want to spoil the images in my head lol!!1 From the book I am team JACOB :-) but my Sister says I will cross to team EDWARD once I have seen him in all his glory on the screen!!!

Helene said...

Team Edward, obviously ^^
Can't wait to see New Moon...
I'm reading the books again, to help me in the waiting ^^ lol

Happy birthday


Marjolein said...

Okay, Holland here. We don't know any Edward or Jacob, but those bedroom eyes may wake me up every day ;-)))) Maybe I should talk to my hubbie about some plastic surgery?

Debbie said...


And as he was born in 1901 I am most definitely not too old for him. :)

Happy Birthday Sugar Nellie and thanks for getting me addicted to your stamps. We need a Twilight range LOL xXx

Beth S said...

Happy Birthday Sugar Nellie. I'm definitely leaning toward Edward. I also have a niece who's totally in love with him. It doesn't matter how old we get we can still appreciate a hottie.

DawnMarie said...

Like a lot of my fellow commenters my heart is with Edward but my head is with Jacob. Edward is a mystery and Jacob somewhat an open book. My ultimate Vampire (and one I can lust after legally lol) is Antonio Banderas in Interview with a Vampire (hubba hubba!) he could bite my neck anytime! Have I gone too far?? Happy Birthday Sugar Nellie. Hugs Dawn Marie.xx

Lesley said...

Team Edward - definately. He is my own special brand of heroin. Again, old enough to be his mother but we can dream, remember he is really over 100 years old. I've definately got OCD, currently on the 14th read through of the books plus the partial Midnight Sun, just can't get enough. I would definately Let Him Sign and Never Think whilst he hummed Bella's Lullaby to me. Cold shower time again I think,roll on 20th November.

ger76 said...

Wow that was a lovely vision first thing in the morning thank you :)

My tickets are booked for the big night too I can't wait

Go Team Edward!!!!

luv Ger x

Linda said...

It's TEAM EDWARD all the way! Can't wait for New Moon! A bunch of us are going to check it out too! It's gonna be nuts, but so much fun! Happy Birthday Sugar Nellie!

Melanie said...

Team Edward, hands down.

LOL, we have a girl's night out planned for the movie too! We were just talking last night about how early we should be at the theatre that night!


neeser73 said...

I was so mad at Edward for abandoning Bella, and it was nice Jacob kept her safe and together while he was gone, but I am on team Edward, I wish I had his family.

Jayne Hayward said...

Well I'd have to say Edward anyday. He just makes my heart beat a little faster everytime I see him, oh how I wish I could be Bella!

Wishing you all a very happy birthday.

Jayne xx

Theresa Dagostino Forge said...

Like the rest, I am Edward all the way...

Nora said...

I live in Utah, a mere 20 minutes away from the woman that wrote the book series & I must confess that I haven't cracked the cover on ONE of them yet. I haven't seen the movies, either, because I'm a firm believer that if the movie is based off of a book, the book MUST be read first.

As much as I enjoyed Mr Pattinson in "The Goblet of Fire", I'm a die hard David Tennant & John Barrowman fan ~~~ will that give me any redemption points since they're both Scottish? *LOL*

I enjoyed looking at the Twilight Challenge blog projects...very nice!

Melyssa said...

Sigh...definately Team Edward!!

Happy Birthday Sugar Nellie!

Lim said...

Oh make my day with this picture!!! Thank you so much!. I'm Team Edward of course!!! and I can't wait to see the movie on November 20, just 4 days before my birthday :)))
LIM :)

Jodi said...

I truly can't say as I have not read any of the books.....yet....I am on my friends "waiting list" to borrow these books.

kc_froglady said...

Team Edward of course :) I married Edward (lol ok not Cullen but he is an Edward!) Would love to win some candy and right in time for my birthday too!

MicheleP said...

what am I missing???????
Happy Birthday Sugar Nellie ( and Hello Karen ;-) ) Mxxx

Melissa said...

Team Edward all that way! LOL! I've got to get my books back from my officemate so I can reread them. She's been hogging them for much too long!

Deb said...

definitely Edward! and Happy Birthday, doesn't time fly! I remember those first Nellies! hugs Debx

Gayle said...

Unfortunately I can't seem to shift the 'EDWARD' thing...I know it's rrong...but, it's beyond my control!
I know I owe you an're on the list!!! I am SWAMPED!

Love ya

G x

Tonya Klar said...

Team Edward, of course!!!!!!! WHOOT! LOVE Sugar Nellie...LOVE Twilight...LOVE (but I'm biased, wink!)! Thanks for giving us a shout!

Julie said...

This is so exciting -- I'm from Twilight Tuesday and am thrilled to see that you posted about us. Thank you so very much! I'm the person who originally posted that pic of Rob -- it's amazing, isn't it? So beautiful! Thank you once again -- it was very nice of you to mention Twilight!

Jacqueline said...

How totally cool for the shout out for Twilight tuesday!! We all appreciate that! I am completely 100 percent Team Edward...and Team Rob ;) Happy bday Sugar Nellie! :D

Katrina Turner said...

Team Edward, gotta be Edward! How can you not be in love with him. Glad there are more people out there as obsessed with Twilight as I am, can't wait for the film, need a fix real bad! I've definately got OCD!!!!


Katrina xx

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness TEAM EDWARD all the way:) He is such a hunny. I am off to the midnight opening with a girlfriend (another twihard fan) in Australia on the 18th Nov - can't wait:) Bought the tickets 2 months ago:)LOL

Julie M said...

Hmmm - well in most pictures I've seen of Edward, he doesn't look like my idea of a vampire - but this is getting close!!!

Happy Birthday (and thanks for the chance to win!).


Bubbles said...

It's got to be team Edward for me!
Joanne x

Jen Shults said...

Um, I have such trouble with this. For the books I'm definitely team Switzerland but for the movie... Team Rob (is that a choice).

My name is Wynneth said...

Oooo.... much too difficult to choose..... can I be greedy and just have both? LOL ;o)


Denise @ kc242 said...

Yeah! Team Edward! We are going to see the midnight release of NM!

Unknown said...

I'm team Edward! I only recently got into the Twilight series from YOU! I kept reading on your blog about it and in the end had to check it out, and I love it! The books are so fab and then of course I had to go get the dvd! hehehe

Anonymous said...

Team Edward all the way! and i just found out my C section got changed from the 19th to the 20th of Nov! so I might be able to squeeze in a midnight showing of the movie before baby comes! lol

ellepaulette said...

Right now I am Team Edward but after I see New Moon... and Jacob... that may change!!

Nerdy Girl.... The Life of Linda said...

Hmmm hard decision but team Edward I think... or maybe Team Jacob... aaaarrgghh so hard!!

Patty said...

Oh I am SOOOOO a Team Edward fan!!! Mmmmmmm mmmmmmm!!!!!

Erika said...

EDWARD...EDWARD...EDWARD, better late than not at all although the clips of Jacob with his hair short...oooh not bad either. Looking forwards to seeing the next film, big time. Karen what a fabby photo. xxx

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

Both yummy but it must be Edward, although in real life he smokes, yuk, ciggy breath. He is still gorgeous and features on my blog. janex
Must add I love sugar nellie stamps, have tons and have just won 8 on the sugar bowl , not arrived yet 2 weeks after.

Bumbles and Fairy-Tales said...

Hi sweetie!
Us Edward girls need to stick together :)

I was looking for your email address to ask a question, but did not find one... when you have a moment can you please email me :)

Thanks so much! and have a Happy Tuesday :*)
~ margie