I recognise that retail is changing but I also know the big guys are playing games. Sports direct over value there products so that they can take a massive 70% off jeans! no way were those years worth or would ever sell at £65.
Stirling mills sells a flour cusion at £200 when we price those at £145
Debenhams sell a set of sassy belle suitcases at £32 when we have those at £17.60
So from that small selection you see why the big guys are squeezing out the small independents, it's not on price so it must be brain washing that the big shops sell better or it's the price slashing they can legally do if the item has been on sale at full price for 28 days.
With my headin a spin already knowing that I don't want to stay in this game any longer than my lease requires me too. What next!
We I think I've found the answer!
Looking around pinterest this week I found some super sweet mobile shops. What so perfect about these...... Loads of things.
Most small business can well do without the rent and rates bills, tied to a shop 6 days week, stupid water bills and phone, insurance and advertising.
Knock that all on the head and but this.

How easy would this be, take it out a couple of weekend a year or every weekend, pull it behind your own car, no need for not tax or engine problems. You could even pull this into a larger show via the garage doors.
Everything is stored inside , easy to put up and take down. A few props outside and your open for business.
What would you sell, cupcakes, ice cream, vintage finds, books, crafty makes there is basically a load of things that could be sold from a caravan.
Would you walk past a cute caravan at a show, it would be rude not to stop because they would be an attraction in them selves. Wouldn't it be lovely to have a fied of these at a fair!
I love them, shame the Scottish weather puts a damper on things but better be in a caravan than a table top outside when it rains.
Yes this is a pop up shop that can travel. The way forward for small business that do well on the Internet but still need a little interaction with their customers. Sunny summer fairs on the green, Highland games, local village shows, and school open days.
Now all I need to feed this dream is a wee caravan with a solid shell and two good tires!
What are you dreaming of today?
Take care
Wow, how fab do they look......I remember a mobile shop from my childhood.....not a patch on those beauties!
hugs Jo x
Oooh I love this idea, would make me want to take a look, such an emphasis on vintage at the moment and love the retro look of this, great idea
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